
iFinderLodge is happy to see you here. If you need more information or have technical issues with your account you can always contact us @ +237 671-649-542 or  [email protected] 

To become an agent on ifinderlodge, you need to register first and verify your email. After verification of your email, connect to your profile and you will be able to see the option become an agent. Once you click on it, your account will be approved by the system administrator manually. However, the following requirement will be ask to you to provide by email or phone number for verification purposes: 

  • a valid photo of your ID card front and back
  • a phone number
  • and take a clean selfie of yourself

( please make sure the name on the account match with the name on the ID card. Otherwise, your agent account will not be approved.) 

Here is our culture, connect someone who is in need of a house to an agent. For this to be effective, we have agents all over the regions that have houses that varies from range to range and from  category to category. We connect people that are looking for houses to agents that manages properties to rent. 

We won’t start without offering you a bite of our service for free. All agents have one (1) month free trial on ifinderlodge. After the free trial, you are free to not continue even though you will most have benefic and expend your line of business  from our service. However, if you decide to continue, the amount you made will double because of the package you would purchase. 

Agent that manages their properties ( they both a package) are not sharing their compensation after a successful agreement with a client. But if you are an house agent and is ifinderlodge that manages your properties ( you did not  pay for a package) ifinderlodge will receive 40% of the total amount the house agent should have receive. 

When a user get registered, he/she information are not shared. He/she information are being kept and can only be use for verification purposes on ifinderlodge platform. If you use and external link, you will be required to put in your information in other to continue with your transaction. 

Are you still doubting… Clear your doubt and host up to two of your properties for free for one month. Create and account now. 

apartment, studio, single rooms and guest house to rent in Cameroon




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